〔学会発表〕(計 2 件)
Satoshi Kobori: The History of Musical Notation for Guitar Music -from Tablature to Staff Notation-, Summer Conference of Early Guitar with Dr. J. Westbrook, (2017)
Tablature was common for fretted stringed instruments such as the lute, vihuela, and guitar during the Renaissance and Baroque eras. However, the notation for guitar music gradually had been transferred to standard notation. In modern times, guitarists might use both tablature and staff notation, while the difference of musical notation should affect cognitive processes during musical performance. In this presentation, the history of musical notation for guitar music will be discussed from the human cognitive aspects.
小堀 聡: タブラチュア譜の記譜法についての検討―認知過程への影響に着目して―, 第28回音楽の科学研究会抄録, (2015)