Refereed Journal Papers
- Masahito Kumano, Masaki Saito, and Masahiro Kimura:
Analysis of centrality metrics for geographical road networks under topological representation,
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence,
Vol.40, No.1, pp.A-O62_1-11, 2025, in Japanese.
- Koudai Fujisawa, Masahito Kumano, and Masahiro Kimura:
Transition analysis of boundary-based active configurations in temporal simplicial complexes for ingredient co-occurrences in recipe streams,
Applied Network Science,
Vol.8, Article number: 48, 2023.
- Takayasu Fushimi, Kazumi Saito, Kouzou Ohara, Masahiro Kimura, and Hiroshi Motoda:
General framework of opening and closing shops over a spatial network based on stochastic utility under competitive and time-bounded environment,
Social Network Analysis and Mining,
Vol.11, No.1, Article number: 70, 2021.
- Kazumi Saito, Takayasu Fushimi, Kouzou Ohara, Masahiro Kimura, and Hiroshi Motoda:
Efficient computation of target-oriented link criticalness centrality in uncertain graphs,
Intelligent Data Analysis,
Vol.25, No.5, pp.1323-1343, 2021.
- Kouzou Ohara, Kazumi Saito, Masahiro Kimura, and Hiroshi Motoda:
Resampling-based predictive simulation framework of stochastic diffusion model for identifying top-K influential nodes,
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, Vol.9, No.2, pp.175-195, 2020.
- Minoru Higuchi, Kanji Matsutani, Masahito Kumano, Masahiro Kimura:
Extracting influence structure in geographical attention dynamics,
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (Japanese Edition),
Vol.J102-D, No.10, pp.685-697, 2019.
- Kouzou Ohara, Kazumi Saito, Masahiro Kimura, and Hiroshi Motoda:
Critical node identification based on articulation point detection for uncertain network,
International Journal of Networking and Computing, Vol.9, No.2, pp.201-216, 2019.
- Keiko Ono, Yoshiko Hanada, Masahito Kumano, and Masahiro Kimura:
Enhancing island model genetic programming by controlling frequent trees,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research, Vol.9, No.1, pp.51-65, 2019.
- Kazumi Saito, Kouzou Ohara, Masahiro Kimura, and Hiroshi Motoda:
Accurate and efficient detection of critical links in network to minimize information loss,
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Vol.51, No.2, pp.235-255, 2018.
- Yuuki Kikuchi, Masahito Kumano, and Masahiro Kimura:
Extracting active co-occurrence patterns of cooking ingredient usage in recipe sharing sites,
IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and its Applications,
Vol.11, No.2, pp.30-40, 2018, in Japanese.
- Kanji Matsutani, Masahito Kumano, Masahiro Kimura, Kazumi Saito, Kouzou Ohara, and Hiroshi Motoda:
Extracting cooperative structure among online items from share-event sequence,
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Vol.33, No.3, p.A-HA1_1-12, 2018, in Japanese.
- Masahito Kumano, Kazuya Hashimoto, and Masahiro Kimura:
Digest visualization of photo spots in terms of seasonal uniqueness,
Journal of the Society for Art and Science,
Vol.17, No.1, pp.8-25, 2018, in Japanese.
- Kazumi Saito, Kouzou Ohara, Masahiro Kimura, and Hiroshi Motoda:
Which is more influential, "who" or "when" for a user to rate in online review site?,
Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol.22, No.3, pp.639-657, 2018.
- Kanji Matsutani and Masahiro Kimura:
Learning attention dynamics for items in social media,
IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and its Applications, Vol.10, No.2,
pp.14-24, 2017, in Japanese
- Hiroki Takahashi and Masahiro Kimura:
Analyzing time-decay effects of mediating-objects in creating trust-links,
In A. Appice et al. (Eds.),
New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns,
5th International Workshop, NFMCP 2016, Held in Conjunction with ECML-PKDD 2016,
Revised Selected Papers,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol.10312, pp.99-114, Springer, 2017.
- Masahiro Kimura, Kazumi Saito, Kouzou Ohara, and Hiroshi Motoda:
Speeding-up node influence computation for huge social networks,
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, Vol.1, pp.3-16, 2016.
- Kazumi Saito, Masahiro Kimura, Kouzou Ohara, and Hiroshi Motoda:
Super mediator - A new centrality measure of node importance for information diffusion over social network,
Information Sciences, Vol.329, pp.985-1000, 2016.
- Keito Hatta, Masahito Kumano, Masahiro Kimura, Kazumi Saito, Kouzou Ohara, and Hiroshi Motoda:
Analysis of mediator-activity effects for trust-network evolution in social media,
IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and its Applications,
Vol.8, No.2, pp.44-56, 2015, in Japanese.
- Keiko Ono, Masahito Kumano, and Masahiro Kimura:
Genetic programming for cooperative single-objective optimization,
Transactions on ISCIE,
Vol.28, No.5, pp.173-180, 2015, in Japanese.
- Kazumi Saito, Kouzou Ohara, Masahiro Kimura, and Hiroshi Motoda:
Change Point Detection for Burst Analysis from an Observed Information Diffusion Sequence of Tweets,
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Vol.44, No.2, pp.243-269, 2015.
- Masahito Kumano, Satoshi Iwabuchi, Motonori Koseki, Keiko Ono, and Masahiro Kimura:
Visualization of attractive periods for popular photo spots based on collective wisdom,
Journal of the Society for Art and Science,
Vol.13, No.4, pp.218-228, 2014, in Japanese.
- Masahito Kumano, Takayuki Kamei, Keiko Ono, and Masahiro Kimura:
Modeling user behaviors for social ties and activities in social media,
Transactions of Institute of Electronics Information and Communication Engineers,
Vol.J97-D, No.2, pp.247-259, 2014, in Japanese.
- Masahiro Kimura, Kazumi Saito, Kouzou Ohara, and Hiroshi Motoda:
Learning to predict opinion share and detect anti-majority opinionists in social networks,
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Vol.41, No.1, pp.5-37, 2013.
- Kazumi Saito, Masahiro Kimura, Kouzou Ohara, and Hiroshi Motoda:
Detecting changes in information diffusion pattern over social network,
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, Vol.4, No.3, Article 55 (23 pages), 2013.
- Kazumi Saito, Masahiro Kimura, Kouzou Ohara, and Hiroshi Motoda:
Learning asynchronous-time information diffusion models
and its application to behavioral data analysis over social networks,
Journal of Computer Engineering and Informatics, Vol.1, No.2, pp.30-57, 2013.
- Keiko Ono, Yoshiko Hanada, Masahito Kumano, and Masahiro Kimura:
Genetic programming for lighting control using frequent trees and depth information,
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems,
Vol.133, No.11, pp.2044-2052, 2013, in Japanese.
- Masahito Kumano, Motonori Koseki, Keiko Ono and Masahiro Kimura:
Extracting hot photo-spots from geotagged photographs with timestamps,
IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and its Applications,
Vol.5, No.3, pp.41-53, 2012, in Japanese.
- Kouzou Ohara, Kazumi Saito, Masahiro Kimura, and Hiroshi Motoda:
Burst detection in a sequence of tweets based on information diffusion model,
DBSJ Journal, Vol.11, No.2, pp.25-30, 2012, in Japanese.
- Kazumi Saito, Masahiro Kimura, Kouzou Ohara and Hiroshi Motoda:
Efficient discovery of influential nodes for SIS models in social networks,
Knowledge and Information Systems, Vol.30, No.3, pp.613-635, 2012.
- Masahiro Kimura, Kazumi Saito, Kouzou Ohara and Hiroshi Motoda:
Learning information diffusion model in a social network for predicting influence of nodes,
Intelligent Data Analysis,
Vol. 15, No. 4, pp.633-652, 2011.
- Yuya Yoshikawa, Kazumi Saito, Hiroshi Motoda, Kouzou Ohara and Masahiro Kimura:
Estimating method of expected influence curve from single diffusion sequence on social networks,
Transactions of Institute of Electronics Information and Communication Engineers,
Vol.J94-D, No.11, pp.1899-1908, 2011, in Japanese.
- Masahiro Kimura, Kazumi Saito, Ryohei Nakano and Hiroshi Motoda:
Extracting influential nodes on a social network for information diffusion,
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,
Vol.20, No.1, pp.70-97, 2010.
- Masahiro Kimura, Kazumi Saito, Ryohei Nakano and Hiroshi Motoda:
Learning information diffusion model for extracting influential nodes in a social network,
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence,
Vol.25, No.1, pp.215-223, 2010, in Japanese.
- Masahiro Kimura, Kazumi Saito and Hiroshi Motoda:
Blocking links to minimize contamination spread in a social network,
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data,
Vol.3, No.2, Article 9 (23 pages), 2009.
- Masahiro Kimura and Kazumi Saito:
Extracting major latent topics in document streams using PMM-PCA,
Transactions of Japan Society
for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol.18, No.3, pp.363-388, 2008,
in Japanese.
- Ken-ichi Fukui, Kazumi Saito, Masahiro Kimura and Masayuki Numao:
Compilation to visualize the dynami clusters by the adapted self-organizing network,
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence,
Vol.23, No.5, pp.319-329, 2008, in Japanese.
- Masahiro Kimura, Kazumi Saito and Ryohei Nakano:
Efficient finding of influential nodes from a social network for information diffusion,
Transactions of Institute of Electronics Information and Communication Engineers,
Vol.J91-D, No.4, pp.1004-1015, 2008, in Japanese.
- Ken-ichi Fukui, Kazumi Saito, Masahiro Kimura and Masayuki Numao:
Evaluation of vector representable topics that were extracted automatically,
IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and its Applications,
Vol.48, No.SIG6(TOM17), pp.1-11, 2007, in Japanese.
- Kazuhiro Kazama, Shin-ya Sato, Kazumi Saito and Masahiro Kimura:
Analyzing SEO communities using trackback networks,
IPSJ Journal, Vol.47, No.3, pp.840-849, 2006, in Japanese.
- Masahiro Kimura, Kazumi Saito and Naonori Ueda:
Modeling share dynamics by extracting competition structure,
Physica D, Vol.198, Issues 1-2, pp.57-73, 2004.
- Masairo Kimura, Kazumi Saito and Naonori Ueda:
Modeling of growing networks with directional attachment and communities,
Neural Networks,
Vol.17, No.7, pp.975-988, 2004.
- Masahiro Kimura, Kazumi Saito and Naonori Ueda:
Modeling network growth with directional attachment and communities,
Systems and Computers in Japan,
Vol.35, No.8, pp.1-11, 2004.
- Masahiro Kimura, Kazumi Saito and Naonori Ueda:
Modeling network growth with directional attachment and communities,
Transactions of Institute of Electronics Information and Communication Engineers,
Vol.J86-D-II, No.10, pp.1468-1479, 2003, in Japanese.
- Masahiro Kimura:
On unique representations of certain dynamical systems
produced by continuous-time recurrent neural networks,
Neural Computation, Vol.14, No.12, pp.2981-2996, 2002.
- Masahiro Kimura and Ryohei Nakano:
Dynamical systems produced by recurrent neural networks,
Systems ans Computers in Japan, Vol.31, No.4,
pp.77-86, 2000.
- Masahiro Kimura and Ryohei Nakano:
A unique representation of affine neural dynamical systems,
Transactions of Japan Society
for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol.9, No.2,
pp.37-50, 1999, in Japanese.
- Masahiro Kimura and Ryohei Nakano:
Dynamical systems produced by recurrent neural networks,
Transactions of Institute of Electronics, Information
and Communication Engineers, Vol.J82-D-II, No.4, pp.818-828, 1999,
in Japanese.
- Masahiro Kimura and Ryohei Nakano:
Learning dynamical systems by recurrent neural networks
from orbits,
Neural Networks, Vol.11, No.9,
pp.1589-1599, 1998.
- Masahiro Kimura, Takafumi Saito and Mikio Shinya:
Surface deformation with differential geometric structures,
Computer Aided Geomeric Design, Vol.13, No.3,
pp.243-256, 1996.
- Masahiro Kimura:
Homogeneous Einstein metrics on certain Kaehler C-spaces,
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, Vol.18-I,
pp.303-320, 1990.